Blog: Archive for the “Admissions Myths Destroyed” Category

MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: My Work Performance Is All That Matters

Because you spend so many of your waking hours working, and the MBA is the vehicle you are choosing to use to drive your career forward, you may naturally believe that your professional experiences are all that matter to the admissions committees. Do not get us wrong: you need to have strong professional stories to share, … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: I Should Worry Because My Coworker Is Also Applying

You look around your office and think to yourself: “I wish my coworker were not applying to the same school as I am. They can’t take two people who sit at the same desk. Also, their GPA is 0.15 higher!” On the surface, this reasoning may seem logical, and it can thus cause anxiety for … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: The Admissions Committee Will Not Notice My Weakness(es)

Our clients frequently ask, “If I write the optional essay about my [low GMAT score, low GPA, bad semester in college, long stretch of unemployment, etc.], will it call attention to that weakness and overemphasize it?” In short, no. Writing the optional essay about a weakness will instead allow you to control the narrative about that issue … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: You Need a 750 GMAT to Get into Business School

We often hear MBA applicants ask some form of the following question: “Do I need a 750 GMAT score to get into a top MBA program?” Although a 750 can certainly be helpful, it is not a prerequisite. We wanted to dispel this myth and put some who believe it at ease. Here are a few simple … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed

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MBA Admissions Myths Destroyed: I Need to Tell It All! (Part 2)

Recently, we discussed observing limits with your resume. This time, we take a similar approach with your essays—in particular, your goals essay. Some business schools ask applicants to discuss their career progress first in a classic goals essay: Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for … Read More  

Admissions Myths Destroyed Application Tips

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