
All About MBA Application Recommendations

Yin and yang, two halves of a whole, a bagel and cream cheese—no, these are not philosophical concepts (or breakfast options, for that matter); instead, they are ways of thinking about how to choose your MBA application recommenders. Nearly all business schools require two recommendations, and rather than viewing the people who will write them as two discrete individuals, each making a separate point about you, you should think of them as two knowledgeable sources whose letters will complement—and not repeat—each other. If you choose two recommenders who both highlight the same strengths they see in you, you will miss a valuable opportunity to make an impression on the admissions committee.

So, what should your MBA application recommendations say?

When business schools are considering an applicant, they are generally investigating two dimensions of them: the quantitative and analytical, and the qualitative. 

With respect to the quantitative, MBA programs are looking for good, old-fashioned math and analytical smarts. Do you see numbers as professional tools? Are you able to assess business problems by using and manipulating data? Do you have the quantitative adeptness required to successfully navigate the business school core curriculum?

Sometimes the answer is obvious. A math major working in a financial role, for example, can easily check this box. In such cases, the applicant’s recommenders do not need to spend a lot of time asserting that the candidate is a quantitative phenom.

For others, though, this question might be tougher to answer. Consider an English major with a 700 GMAT score but no math, economics, or finance courses on their transcript. Would they be a lost cause? Definitely not, but their quantitative and analytical abilities would need to be validated in some way other than their grades, major, or GMAT/GRE scores. This is where a recommender comes in. If your recommender can reliably discuss your analytical and critical thinking skills—perhaps your ability to solve complex problems, breaking them down into discrete steps that others can easily follow, or to size the potential market for a new product launch and model the revenue implications and scenarios—then a positive view of your quantitative skills comes into focus. Would such a recommendation resolve all the admissions committee’s concerns about your analytical abilities and quantitative aptitude? Not quite, but it would go a long way in building their confidence in you and your potential for success in business school.

(If you really want to punch up your quantitative abilities and lay the foundation for success with the MBA core curriculum, many online courses are available that can help you not only develop your skills but also strengthen your academic record.)

So, what about highlighting your qualitative characteristics? In short, doing so would help answer any questions the admissions committee might have about your teamwork and leadership potential, as well as your interpersonal skills. Are you someone others enjoy working with or for? Are you a natural leader who can motivate and influence others? Are you someone people look up to, especially in difficult situations? Do you have a growth mind-set and respond proactively to feedback?

Although you can partially answer such questions by sharing your extracurricular or college experiences, effectively conveying your qualitative strengths via your resume or essays, depending on your target school’s essay questions, can be more difficult. Again, this is where your recommenders can help. Because they know you very well, their perspective is invaluable to the admissions committee; your recommenders can describe who you are, beyond your smarts, and share illustrative examples. Are you the type of person a business school would want as part of its community? Do your strengths go beyond IQ to EQ—critical for success as a business leader? If so, your recommenders should strive to make this point clear.

So, who should your recommenders be?

For many applicants, deciding who should write their recommendations is easy, but for others, the task might be a little more difficult. If you are not immediately sure whom to turn to, start with some basics. A recommender should have worked with you closely for a significant period of time (at least six months), seen your work on a day-to-day basis, and most importantly, be willing to provide an enthusiastic endorsement of you. Often, this will be a direct manager in your current job who can speak to your overall abilities. As noted earlier, your second recommender should be able to offer information that complements your first recommender’s points, providing a different perspective. Ideally, both recommenders should know you in a professional context.

What if you cannot request a recommendation from your current boss because doing so will adversely affect your relationship with them—or even get you fired?

This is not an uncommon problem, and you should simply explain this situation in the optional essay, so the admissions committee understands. However, finding someone else who can speak to your day-to-day performance becomes even more important. Frequently, this means turning to a previous manager.

Does your recommender’s title or status matter?

In short, no. Do not struggle to get the CEO of your firm to write a recommendation for you if they have never seen your work product or style firsthand. If someone has not worked closely with you, their recommendation will not provide the desired personal insight and might even come across as vague and ineffectual, which would undermine the purpose of the letter. The admissions committee is not expecting the highest-level officer at your company to write your recommendation. What matters most is the substance of your recommender’s responses and their ability to write about your strengths with detail and sincerity.

How about an academic reference?

This would probably not be your best option, unless you are a deferred MBA applicant. You need a really good reason to have a former professor write you a recommendation. For most candidates, their active relationship with their professor was a long time ago, and the professor viewed them in a far different light than a professional reference would, meaning that the academic recommender’s input would be less applicable to an MBA context.

Can a customer or client serve as a recommender?

Although the idea of asking a customer or client for a reference might be intriguing, this option should really be used only in very special cases. For example, if you work for a family business, your choice might be to have either a client or your parent write the recommendation—in which case, the answer is clear. But choose a client or customer as your recommender only if you are sure they have seen your work on a day-to-day basis and can effectively speak to your managerial abilities and personal characteristics.

Can you ask a colleague to write a recommendation?

Technically yes, but this is another option that works only in very specific cases. For example, if your current boss is a no-go, but you really want to highlight a recent achievement and no one else can speak to it, then approaching a colleague might be your best choice. Or perhaps the colleague is your partner in your start-up or small business and therefore the only person who can give meaningful insight into how you built the business. 

If you are having trouble securing a second recommendation, consider requesting one from someone from another organization you are actively involved with, such as a volunteer group. This is an especially good option when your leadership qualities are very much on display in your interactions or work with the organization.

Once you have determined your best options, how do you ask a recommender for their support? 

Ideally, you should meet with your potential recommender face-to-face (whether in person or over a video call). If possible, invite them to coffee or hold the meeting in a setting that will allow for open dialogue and conversation without interruption. Use the opportunity to share with them your career goals and reasons for pursuing an MBA. Explain that you are requesting their help in the application process in the form of a letter of recommendation supporting your candidacy. Spell out why you believe they are the best person to write this letter, compliment them on their positive influence on your career to date, and tell them that you would be honored if they supported you. Lastly, fill them in on the process and timeline, and mention that you will provide an informational memo that will make the writing process as easy as possible for them.

How can you support your recommender in being a strong advocate for you and feeling confident about writing the recommendation? 

To ensure that your recommenders are able to comfortably write strong letters on your behalf, you need to do more than simply enter their names into the schools’ applications. Start by thinking strategically about how your recommenders can best support your candidacy, address any weaknesses in your profile (if applicable), and provide complementary perspectives. 

Then, create a customized memo for each recommender in which you present key logistical information (e.g., deadlines, the submission process, questions to be answered or addressed in their letter) and stress the importance of the letter of recommendation in the application process. Explain what your target MBA programs will be looking for, and offer a summary of your most significant accomplishments and associated personal strengths. You want to remind your recommenders of your achievements and other important details.

In the end, what makes for a great recommendation?

Simply put, a great recommendation is one that paints you in the best possible light. If you have a real champion as a recommender, someone who will truly gush about how great you are and ultimately write a glowing endorsement, that is probably more important than anything else. This is what the top schools want from their applicants’ recommendations and therefore the type of recommendation you need to focus on getting.

For even more information about MBA letters of recommendation, download our free guide.

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