It pays to be in touch with the Indian School of Business (ISB). This morning, the ISB’s admissions committee reached out to let us know about some changes that are afoot. First, the school’s Class of 2012 includes a record number of women—167 of 573, or 29% of the total class—a slight increase from last year’s 28%. The question is, when the ISB’s Mohali campus opens next year and the class size expands to 770 students, will the percentage of women stay the same? In the Class of 2012, 13 countries are represented, including Spain, Russia, Australia, Thailand and Nepal, belying the myth that the ISB is only for Indian students. Another myth? At the ISB, only the GMAT matters. Just like at most top North American programs, the ISB’s average GMAT is 710. In fact, more than just stats, the ISB’s admissions committee is seeking diversity, proven by the fact that in the Class of 2012, you will find film directors, poets, dancers, sky divers, and even India’s first audiobook author and a commander in the Indian Naval Force.
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