
October 21: Writing Standout Essays: HBS, Kellogg and Stanford (New York)

Harvard Business School receives more than 9,000 applications each year for the 900 places in its class. Kellogg sees nearly 6,000 applications for its 650 available spaces and Stanford may have lower volumes but is known to be the most selective MBA program in the world. In short, how will you ensure that your application will grab the attention of an overworked admissions officer? Via our newest presentation, “Writing Standout Essays,” we will help you conceptualize your essay ideas and understand how to execute them effectively, so that your experiences stand out when you apply to any of these three schools (look for additions to this series). You do not need to be actively working on a $5 billion deal or to have won an Olympic gold medal to gain admission to a top MBA program. You just need to have done the everyday things remarkably well, and you must make sure that your application reflects your distinct actions and qualities.

mbaMission Founder/President Jeremy Shinewald will lead this session and will remain on site to answer your questions about any admissions issues that are of importance to you. Please join us in our New York center on Thursday, October 21.

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. EST
Location: 138 West 25th Street (b/w 6th & 7th Aves: to enter, press Call, then dial 132), New York, NY 10001
Price: Free!

To register for this event, please click here.

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  • Penn Wharton (Round 2)
  • Ohio Fisher (Round 2)
  • Cambridge Judge (Round 3)
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  • Emory Goizueta (Round 2)
  • Georgetown McDonough (Round 2)
  • Harvard Business School (Round 2)
  • Michigan Ross (Round 2)
  • Ocford Saïd (Round 4)
  • UCLA Anderson (Round 2)
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