Applying to business school is certainly not something to be taken lightly or put off until the last minute! It is a significant decision, and the process is time-consuming, but earning your MBA has the potential to provide meaningful returns, both financially and personally. If you are a natural planner who likes to thoroughly evaluate … Read More
So, take the time now to put together a compelling resume for landing your target internship. Here are our top three tips for creating a resume that will stand out from those of your peers.
Many MBA applicants believe that their professional past needs to have followed a perfect trajectory, with them having gone seamlessly from job to job, from promotion to promotion. The reality, however, can be quite different. Candidates sometimes get laid off and are unable to find a new job for several months. Sometimes, an illness or … Read More
If you do mostly short-term, project-based work, you might struggle with how to structure your resume so that it does not give the impression that you switch jobs every few months. If you list each job separately, not only will your resume be too long, but you also run the risk that your reader will … Read More
Many MBA candidates do not thoroughly consider and revise their resumes for their applications, often dismissing this element because an existing version may already be saved on their computer. We strongly caution you not to underestimate the value of this document—the admissions committees, in fact, review applicants’ resumes carefully because they serve as a road map … Read More
A first-of-its-kind, on-demand MBA application experience that delivers a personalized curriculum for you and leverages interactive tools to guide you through the entire MBA application process.