Each week Manhattan GMAT posts a 700 level GMAT question on our blog and follows up with the answer the next day. Are you up for the challenge? If x is a positive integer, what is the value of x? (1) The first nonzero digit in the decimal expansion of 1/x! is in the hundredths … Read More
How can I write essays that grab the attention of MBA Admissions Committees? The mbaMission team will use this simple but often perplexing question as the starting point for a seminar for prospective business school applicants. We will challenge you to uncover your personal and nuanced stories, craft compelling opening statements, develop meaningful goal statements, connect your goals to your target … Read More
Yesterday, Manhattan GMAT posted a 700 level GMAT question on our blog. Today, they have followed up with the answer: This problem requires the use of a special given equation, 5v2 + P = c. We are told that the velocity decreases from 10 meters per second to 5 meters per second. The key to … Read More
Each week Manhattan GMAT posts a 700 level GMAT question on our blog and follows up with the answer the next day. Are you up for the challenge? The velocity, density, and pressure of a certain fluid are related by the equation 5v2 + P = c, where v is the velocity in meters per … Read More
Yesterday, Manhattan GMAT posted a 700 level GMAT question on our blog. Today, they have followed up with the answer: In problems involving “decimal functions,” which involve rounding decimals up or down to a nearby integer, we must be very careful to follow directions precisely. Here, we have two functions that have similar but distinct … Read More
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