
Wharton Student Speaks his Mind on Grade Non-Disclosure

From an email exchange between MBA Mission and a former client/current Wharton student :

“I want to promote prospective students asking (pressuring) the administration on this issue, because we feel it is not working. This is a question that prospectives should be asking whether it is here or Harvard. I know that many will be timid about asking a probing question like this, but they need to know what they are coming into.

The culture at Wharton has been under a lot of pressure because of the change to remove grade non-disclosure. I think it has negatively impacted the culture here.

So, I have some advice for incoming students…. Until proven otherwise, lighten your load up front. Take classes before coming to Wharton in Accounting and Economics, and either waive out of those classes and don’t take substitutes (make your GPA higher to get that Dean’s list designation) or take the classes anyway, and get the good grade instead of stretching and taking a new harder level class or heavier load.

Assuming the goal is to get the best job possible, as opposed to simply learn for learning’s sake, the period under question is prior to securing an internship. As long as you get the internship you want, the course-load/grades after that matter much less than your performance on the job. Summer internships for banking and consulting (most of the class) are decided upon after 2-3 quarters (1.5 semesters), with recruiting starting just weeks after school starts in the fall. If you can keep your load lighter than most during this period of time and focus on getting top grades, and recruiting for your most desirable job, you will be in a better position to get a top tier job coming out. If you are going back to work for a former employer, or are running your own business, then try as hard as possible not to let your intrinsic competitive nature get your caught up in the frenzy, although you probably will not be able to help yourself.

Advice from the front lines….”

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