In our “What I Learned at…” series, MBAs discuss the tools and skills their business schools provided as they launched their careers.
Nitzan Yudan is the CEO and co-founder of FlatClub, a United Kingdom–based online marketplace for short-term rentals that connects verified members of exclusive alumni, employment and organizational networks. In the final part of this four-part series, Nitzan reflects on the influence London Business School (LBS) has had on his career.
My journey from banker to entrepreneur has been a complete roller coaster, with many ups and downs. Entrepreneurial problem solving is now something that I never stop thinking about. My son was born around the same time that the business was born, and when he and I play with LEGOs, the first thing I think about is how I would “publish” the house we built on the FlatClub site. My advice is that if you like problem solving, become a consultant. If you like problem solving with no resources, become an entrepreneur.
When I think about how LBS has influenced my career, specific entrepreneurial skills come to mind. In particular, my education gave me important insights into thinking about how venture capitalists make decisions to invest. The course “Financing the Entrepreneurial Business,” for example, really helped me understand how to pitch ideas. Conversely, the prospect of pitching an actual business idea made class much more interesting and engaging.
Beyond imparting these very powerful tools, the LBS network provided the necessary connections and opportunities for starting a business. Many alumni in the United States that we spoke to were eager to help, and one even reached out to invest. FlatClub would not exist without LBS—that I know for sure.