
Yale Essay Analysis

1. Why an MBA?

Please describe your short- and long-term goals and how your previous experience and an MBA will help you to achieve these goals. 500 words maximum Because of significant overlap from school to school, we offer our document on personal statements. Please email [email protected] for an electronic copy which will help you approach this essay.

2. Personal statementPlease develop a question/topic of your choice and answer it in essay form. Please state the question/topic at the beginning of your essay. 500 words maximum

Some example questions/topics include: • Describe a situation in which your leadership and/or teamwork had a significant impact. • What personal achievement are you most proud of and why? • What activities/interests do you enjoy outside the office and/or classroom and how would you integrate these activities/ interests into the Yale SOM community? • What is the most difficult feedback that you have received and how did you address it? • Where is the most exciting place you have ever been and what did you learn from being there? • Describe a situation where you questioned your values and/or beliefs. • What does accountability mean to you? • If you are reapplying: How has your candidacy changed since your last application?

This question is wide open and candidates can be overwhelmed by the possibilities. Generally, we favor essays which are broad and thus give the candidate an opportunity to reveal a few different dimensions his/her profile. Still, it is possible to say a great deal in a single event as well, as long as the event is representative of a diversity of talents/strengths. It is important not to just use your favorite 500 word essay from another school’s application, but to consider if you are maximizing the impact of your candidacy via your choice.

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