Who We Are: The Full-Time mbaMission Team

Devi Vallabhaneni

Devi Vallabhaneni

MBA Admissions Executive Director/HBS Interviewer in Residence

Harvard MBA and former HBS Admissions Board Interviewer with more than 25 years of MBA admissions experience

How I Can Help You

I have a deep passion for helping Harvard Business School (HBS) candidates that began more than 20 years ago, when I was a second-year student at HBS. My extensive knowledge of this elite program stems from my years conducting information sessions for interested applicants and their families, sharing my personal experiences as a student there and explaining all that the MBA program has to offer. Since graduating and moving to San Francisco, I have continued to share my love and respect for HBS by serving on panels as an alumna and speaking about my years in the MBA program.

Why Choose Me

I am able to translate the effective methodology I developed via my HBS admissions experience to work with applications to other top business schools as well. I have interacted with HBS candidates from all backgrounds, walks of life, cultures, industries, functions, and positions. Because of my personal history with the school, years of collaboration with the admissions committee, and exhaustive experience as an MBA interviewer, I bring a unique level of enthusiasm, intensity, and insight to helping applicants highlight the best of themselves for this important step in the HBS admissions journey. I think of myself as part professor, part therapist, and part coach, dedicated to supporting my clients throughout the admissions process.

My life outside of MBA admissions is spent as an award-winning visual artist.

Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation with Devi!

Better Call Devi!

Devi Helped Me Land My Dream School’s Offer

Devi Will Get The Best Out Of You!

Working With Devi: A No-Brainer For HBS Hopefuls

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